Tuesday, July 30, 2013

WIP: Eldar Warp Spider Exarch 1

After a week full of Nurgle's love, I was able to start painting my Warp spider Exarch yesterday to reach my painting goal this year. To give you my brief idea of my goal for this year, it is to be able to join this year's GT with a fully painted 1500 point Eldar (which of course if the points cap for the tourney is 1500 points). This will serve as my motivation to paint.


I started with the basic of prepping the model before painting such as cleaning the mold lines, removing the vent sprues, and de-greasing it with dish washing soap and water. I primed the model white:

I experimented with my basecoat starting with the darkest shadow of my mini using VMA Blue Angel. Well I still have minor issues controlling the burst of my airbrush but I'm already getting a hang of it. Afterwards, I use a brush to paint the areas that my airbrush can't reach.

Then I added a little bit of VMC Blue Green with my base color for my first highlight. For the 2nd highlight, I just sprayed the mini with pure VMC blue green, and adding white in the succeeding highlights. I think I just went up to 4 highlights since I'm going to brush paint the lightest of the highlights (and darkest of the shadows) to have more control over the contrast.

I did the same thing for the other colors such as the grey, the orange, and the red; the only color where I did not create the shadow was the orange since I'll be doing the the freehand for the honeycomb pattern, and I want it to blend with the surface by using the glazing technique. 

Once I've finished applying all the colors (approximately 4 hours of painting), I sprayed the whole mini with Matte varnish and leave it overnight so the paint won't easily be rubbed out since this is a metal model.

I'll paint the rest with the brush probably on Wednesday, so stay tuned for the second part of this WIP. 

Thanks for reading.