Sunday, September 22, 2013

Non-sense: Busy week....

Well, it's been a busy week for me and my girlfriend moving our stuff in our new apartment. So I won't be having some time with the hobby until everything is alright. I'll just post some pictures of our new crib and my new work space.

Monday, September 16, 2013

WIP: Wave serpent part 4

If you missed how this bad boy started, just click on the links below:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

For the final part of this quadrilogy, I'll be starting on painting the gems and the exhaust. I used different shades of violet in the process...

The Serpent

I was able to finish this last Friday... Now I can move on with my next project.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Bad Finger Painting Competition

New logo for the blog...

How to join:
1. Anyone can only submit one entry per category. Each entry must be posted only in Pinoy Wargamer or Tautauhan forums prior to painting, or must post a link to their blog or WIP thread on my facebook page. This is to ensure that your entry is not pre painted. The entry can only be from a SCI-FI, steampunk, or fantasy miniature range, e.g. GW, infinity, malifaux, red box, WM/hordes, malifaux, dreadball, etc. Participants should post at least 5 WIP pictures of different progressions; participants can submit any number of WIPs but can only enter one per category. THESE ARE THE ONLY REQUIREMENTS, NO ENTRY FEE, SO EVERYONE CAN JOIN. :ymhug: 

Friday, September 6, 2013

WIP: Wave serpent part 3

The viper strikes.... almost done...

This will just be a quick post of what I've been doing these past 2 weeks. I hope to finish this wave serpent by next week. In case you miss the first 2 WIP posts, here are the links:

Wave serpent Part 1
Wave serpent Part 2

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Brain Freeze: Turning the mood on....

"Do you want me to spice up your mood?" 

Don't worry, this is still a hobby blog; not some fancy, super hot, porn site. My topic for this week's Brain freeze is about mood - painting mood to be precise and not sex mood :P. So sit tight and relax, let me tease you a lil' bit.