Thursday, August 22, 2013

WIP: Wave Serpent part 1

This is not going to be about The Carpenters; this is about what I've begun - and so... we've only just begun. This week, I'm working with one of my Wave Serpents, who'll be my guinea pig for my first vehicle to be painted using an airbrush. So, wish me luck....

Luckily for me, even though we started this week with one hell of a storm, the area where I'm working at is humid enough for me to do my geeky stuff. Every cloud has a silver lining as I got an opportunity to do our "Real life" job at home which also gave me enough time to paint - Gawd damn... I really love my job! 

I've already did the necessary preparations for the model before painting and prepped it for priming. This is where the rotating thingamajig comes very handy, I don't need to touch the model or go around it to paint the other side - rotate then spray...

After priming, I wait for it to dry. So I started on working with the base. Since the motif of my army would be on a "zen garden", I plan to make a small coy pond. The materials I used in my base are: left over green foam, Water stop putty, and later, I'll be putting sand on it. I let the putty set on the base and went back to painting. 

I started spraying with VMC Emerald green. I took me at 4-5 thin coats to completely cover the model and let it dry again. I had something to do in my work, so I called it a day for painting.

The next day (Work from home again... yey....), I started to sculpt the cobblestones on the base - again, shifting back and forth to my work to do some tasks. I added some sand when the putty dries.

Going back to the serpent, I started painting the second color, which is VGC turquoise, blending it with my base color. Notice that I masked some areas using blue tac.

I then airbrushed some shadows, and then highlights for the bluish part... and blended it with another thin coat of the base color.

Once dried, I added shadows and highlights on the greenish part.... I took a rest afterwards(work and painting)and played World of Tanks the whole day. 

To be continued....

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