Monday, December 30, 2013

Step by step: Eldar Farseer

This is the Eldar farseer that won second place in this year's IPMS sci-fi miniatures category. This miniatue is made from resin by Games-workshop. Below are some step by step pictures on how I painted this mini.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Judging BFP competition

If you're interested to join the Badfinger painting event, here's the link on how to join: You still have a month to paint.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

What's going on...

Been busy with work lately, but I'm trying to squeeze some time for my painting. Check out my facebook page for a mean time on what I've been doing lately.

Thanks for reading.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Non-sense: Busy week....

Well, it's been a busy week for me and my girlfriend moving our stuff in our new apartment. So I won't be having some time with the hobby until everything is alright. I'll just post some pictures of our new crib and my new work space.

Monday, September 16, 2013

WIP: Wave serpent part 4

If you missed how this bad boy started, just click on the links below:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

For the final part of this quadrilogy, I'll be starting on painting the gems and the exhaust. I used different shades of violet in the process...

The Serpent

I was able to finish this last Friday... Now I can move on with my next project.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Bad Finger Painting Competition

New logo for the blog...

How to join:
1. Anyone can only submit one entry per category. Each entry must be posted only in Pinoy Wargamer or Tautauhan forums prior to painting, or must post a link to their blog or WIP thread on my facebook page. This is to ensure that your entry is not pre painted. The entry can only be from a SCI-FI, steampunk, or fantasy miniature range, e.g. GW, infinity, malifaux, red box, WM/hordes, malifaux, dreadball, etc. Participants should post at least 5 WIP pictures of different progressions; participants can submit any number of WIPs but can only enter one per category. THESE ARE THE ONLY REQUIREMENTS, NO ENTRY FEE, SO EVERYONE CAN JOIN. :ymhug: 

Friday, September 6, 2013

WIP: Wave serpent part 3

The viper strikes.... almost done...

This will just be a quick post of what I've been doing these past 2 weeks. I hope to finish this wave serpent by next week. In case you miss the first 2 WIP posts, here are the links:

Wave serpent Part 1
Wave serpent Part 2

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Brain Freeze: Turning the mood on....

"Do you want me to spice up your mood?" 

Don't worry, this is still a hobby blog; not some fancy, super hot, porn site. My topic for this week's Brain freeze is about mood - painting mood to be precise and not sex mood :P. So sit tight and relax, let me tease you a lil' bit.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

WIP: Wave Serpent part 2

After a week long of painting, below are pictures of my progess so far as of this Saturday (Aug. 24, 2013). If you haven't been following this thread, here is the link for the first part of this journey:

Wave Serpent part 1

Thursday, August 22, 2013

WIP: Wave Serpent part 1

This is not going to be about The Carpenters; this is about what I've begun - and so... we've only just begun. This week, I'm working with one of my Wave Serpents, who'll be my guinea pig for my first vehicle to be painted using an airbrush. So, wish me luck....

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Warp Spider Exarch

Adding to my gallery... The Warp spider Exarch from the shrine of the Web of Infinity...

WIP: Warp spider Exarch complete

At last, after 14+ hours of painting, the Exarch from the shrine of Web of infinity is done. If you just tuned in to my blog, here are the links to my previous exarch WIP:

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

WIP: Warp spider Exarch 3

I started my week trying to finish from what I left off the last time I painted this mini. Here are the links to the first and second part of this WIP: WIP exarch part1 and WIP exarch part 2.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Brain Freeze: Keeping me busy

Bad ass mother fucker ..!..
These past few days, I've been busy watching a lot of video tutorials about Adobe Photoshop CS5 to create a logo for my blog. As from the picture above, this is what I've done so far. Cool right? hehehe. I know that for those of you who uses Photoshop for a living, this is just a simple thing to do; but for me this one big leap. 

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Brain Freeze: Warhammer 40k Initiates tournament

Warhammer 40k Initiates tournament

This event is held at Neutral Grounds Centris, which is currently our local supplier of plastic crack, sponsored by Lito Tan AKA "Oberon" basically for newbies with no tournament experience at all. This is 750 point game tournament played on a 4x4 table. The event is organized by some of our local vets such as Luigi, Pat Chua, and Emcee. The event was attended by 16 participants.

WIP: Warp spider Exarch 2

A very gorgeous looking guy painting an
awesome lookin mini.

I was so lazy the past few days and wasn't able to look for something to inspire me to paint. Most of the time I just spent precious minutes looking at the mini, trying to jump start my mood; which unfortunately didn't work. 

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

WIP: Eldar Warp Spider Exarch 1

After a week full of Nurgle's love, I was able to start painting my Warp spider Exarch yesterday to reach my painting goal this year. To give you my brief idea of my goal for this year, it is to be able to join this year's GT with a fully painted 1500 point Eldar (which of course if the points cap for the tourney is 1500 points). This will serve as my motivation to paint.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Nurgle's Love

Me love you lonnnggggggggggggg time!!!!

This isn't about me painting Nurgle, not even the photo above is mine. This is about being embraced by big papa Nurgle last week that's why I didn't get to paint anything. I was having a very bad sinusitis which triggers my asthma, which also triggers my skin asthma!!! WTF.... Talking about being a plague bearer. :)

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Painting gallery 7/25/2013

Recent minis I've finished painting:
Eldrad Ulthran

My supa' Painting Technique....

I won't tackle much of the basic painting techniques (you can check out the "Cool blogs" at the right side of this page for reference), but I'll provide you my own personal style of prepping a mini for painting and painting. This is not a "must do", but this is just how I do it.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Welcome! Bienvenidos! Добродошли! Aloha! ようこそ! tuloy po kayo!

Welcome everyone to my blog. 

People commonly know me by my handle "kuneho", so for those of you who don't know, I'm Ian and I've been a GW plastic crack addict since 2000. I have played lots of armies through my entire addiction: Imperial Guard, Khorne, Tau, Necrons, Tyranids, and my currenta army... Eldar.

They're sexy and they know it!!!

I used to be a pure gamer and doesn't care much if my figs are properly painted or not as long as I would be able to play. But I had a sudden realization that this hobby is freakin' expensive, and I won't be playing this game my whole life. So instead of focusing on just pure gaming, I studied and learned how to paint using different media: books, magazine, and the best of all... the INTERNET(best media ever created). I also learned from other local painters such as Jun Ubay, Paul "the pork" Borja and the Borja brothers, Paul Lim, Jeff Jonko, Dan Tesoro, and other great local players and painters who inspired me to paint (sorry if I forgot to mention your name). But my current painting style is mostly influenced by Jun "Junex" Tan and Karl AKA bakerofish, learning glazing, wet blending, OSL, and other awesome painting techniques that I acquired. 

But this blog is not just for me, it is for everyone who wants to learn more about the hobby, learn some painting tricks that I learned and use from the great painters from around the interwebs and local painters, and entertain you with my sheer blinding sexiness and good looks. 

So this is an advance THANK YOU to everyone who'll be visiting my blog. ♥♥♥